Behavior problems and training challenges are often due to miscommunication and misconceptions about what our pets understand. Learning to be clear with your cues and your reinforcers can significantly enhance your training process and improve your pet’s behavior.
Read MoreIs your puppy scared of routine sounds or storms? Have you owned a dog with storm phobia previously and you are now worried that your new puppy may develop this as well? Read further to find out what you can do to try to reduce the risk that your puppy develops noise phobia.
Read MoreCats and dogs suffer from similar brain aging changes as humans and can also develop dementia similar to Alzheimer’s disease. However, aging animals may show behavior changes from treatable conditions. Even brain aging and dementia can be temporarily reversed or slowed with proper interventions. Pet owners should discuss any changes in activity or behavior that they see in their pets with the veterinarian immediately as early intervention is much more successful in improving the animal’s quality of life.
Read MoreTraining ferrets to use the litterbox can be a challenge, but with consistency most of them will take to it very well. Elimination behavior in ferrets is a little different than in dogs and cats. Ferrets back into a corner to eliminate and are naturally inclined to select a specific bathroom area. Because of the nature of their intestinal tract, ferrets eliminate frequently. They will likely need to use the bathroom after eating, playing or sleeping so those are good times to place your ferret in the litterbox. The first step to success is to offer an appropriate box and litter.
Read MoreStereotypic behaviors, more commonly known as “stable vices,” in horses are repetitive and seemingly functionless behaviors. They can be divided into two general categories: locomotor (i.e. stall weaving, circling, kicking), and oral (cribbing, wind sucking, wood chewing). Stereotypic behaviors may be associated with health issues such as hoof damage (stall kicking) and tooth erosion (cribbing) or even colic (however, contrary to popular belief, cribbing horses do not actually swallow air).
Read MoreFrustrated by that your cat won’t eat the new diet that your vet prescribed because of its kidney disease? Has your cat refused to eat after recovering from an illness? While there often are no simple answers for fixing these cases, there are simple ways to prevent new kittens from developing into future finicky eaters.
Read MoreInappropriate elimination is one of the most common complaints of cat owners. There are a number of simple management steps owners can take to increase the cat’s and the owner’s satisfaction with the toileting process.
Read MoreA recent episode of a television program showed a self proclaimed dog behavior expert treating a dog afraid of stairs by dragging the dog up and down the stairs. This type of forcible approach is not condoned by educated behavior professionals. Check out our Facebook page to watch videos using a humane approach to dealing with fear of stairs.
Read MorePuppies begin learning long before you bring them to their new home. They continue to learn every day from every interaction with you and their environment whether you specifically train them or not. Considering this, it becomes apparent how important it is to provide suitable structure and training from the start to prevent your new puppy from learning the wrong lessons.
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